1 Flash
2 After Unlock
100% ok By ...:::ZAKIR GSM:::...
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM129
Selected model: CU920
Mode: Normal
Phone model: CU920
SW Version: CU920-MSM4090201D-V10s-DEC-12-2008-ATT-US
IMEI: 011333-00-119643-7
Bluetooth address: 00:1F:E3:A9:B4:A0
Opening "CU920-DZ_IMG-V10s-DEC-12-2008-ATT-US.oct"...OK
Reading NVM...OK
Saved to "CU920-011333001196437_08-04-2013_13-43-30.nvm"
Checking partition...OK
Checking BCPL status...OK
BCPL status: 0
Writing PBL...OK
Writing QSBL...OK
Writing OEMSBL...OK
Writing AMSS...OK
Checking AMSS...OK
Writing Flexible logo...OK
Erasing EFS...OK
Phone startup...OK
Writing NVM...OK
Writing MEDIA...OK
Writing MODULE...OK
Writing Firmware done!
Rebooting phone...
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM129
Selected model: CU920
Mode: Normal
Phone model: CU920
SW Version: CU920-MSM4090201D-V10s-DEC-12-2008-ATT-US
IMEI: 011333-00-119643-7
Bluetooth address: 00:1F:E3:A9:B4:A0
Firmware compiled date: Nov 10 2008
Firmware compiled time: 23:00:00
Firmware released date: Dec 12 2008
Firmware released time: 14:36:03
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM129
Selected model: CU920
Mode: Normal
Phone model: CU920
SW Version: CU920-MSM4090201D-V10s-DEC-12-2008-ATT-US
IMEI: 011333-00-119643-7
Bluetooth address: 00:1F:E3:A9:B4:A0
Checking security...OK
Prepairing loader...OK
Sending loader...OK
Reading security area...
Backup saved to "CU920-011333001196437_08-04-2013_14-05-06.sec"
Erasing security area...OK
Writing security area...OK
Phone successfully unlocked!
Rebooting phone...
...:::ZAKIR GSM:::...